

Section 1 Introduction


Section 2 什么样的语言信息会被神经网络使用?


  • which method are used 使用什么方法
  • what kind of linguistic information is sought 什么信息
  • which objects in the neural network are being investigated 什么被观测

2.2 Linguistic Phenomena

sentence length 句子长度
word position 单词位置
word presence 文字出现
simple word order 简单词序
morphological information 形态信息
syntactic information 句法信息
semantic information 语义信息

other phenomena

Section 3 可视化方法和衡量可视化工作的难度性

Section 4 用于细粒度评估的挑战集的编译

datasets used for evaluating neural network models that diverge from the common average case evaluatio


  • the task they seek to evaluate
  • the linguistic phenomena they aim to study
  • the language(s) they target
  • their size
  • their method of construction
  • how performance is evaluated

Section 5 对抗性例子的产生和使用、神经网络的弱点

Section 6 解释模型预测的工作

Section 7 其他不归于上述主题的方法


  • see somebody for example

  • They found … suggesting that

  • In contrast,

  • Somebody made some headway on this question.

  • Somebody noted several key properties…

  • conducted behavioral experiments


  • enable them to draw conclusions about…

  • synthesize a holistic picture from this diverse body of work

  • Another theme that emerges in several studies is…

  • Much recent work has focused on …

  • … have gained renewed popularity in the NLP community.

  • Most of the relevant analysis work is concerned with…

  • Method … may shed new light on some of these questions.

  • A long tradition in work on (domain) is to …